
  • Still (inc sporting events)
  • Motion (company profiles)

  • Fire
  • Flood (inc. assistance with cattle and feed)
  • Flora
  • Fauna (inc. feral pig, deer and kangaroo counts)
  • Geo Sampling
  • Environmental Studies - extensive animal counts/ Water sampling 
  • Property Survey (Sale brochures/fence lines/dam sites/road alignment)
  • Local /State Government
  • Power Distribution 
  • Range of application equipment to suit needs,
    • eg. spray, pods, spreader bucket, single application system for spot treatment of weeds
  • Mobile chemical loading equipment – roof mounted helipad
  • GPS recording facilities
  • GPS guidance
  • Weed spot treatment GPS recorded
  • Chemical Spray (grasshopper control/weed control)
  • Spreading – seed – fertilising – herbicide - rat & mouse baiting
  • Flow meter and batch recording
  • Accredited  Chemical Mixing Personnel 


Animal Counts and survey

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  • Machinery Hire
  • Mechanical weed control/Mulch /Spray cut stump 
  • Trenching
  • Earth moving
  • Clearing

  • Shooting (Marksman available, all approvals and highly experienced)
  • Standard Code of Practice Qld

  • Aerial Stock Mustering & Low Level Modules
  • Part 61 Low Level Instructor Rating